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Clear as Mud: Three Steps to Become a Better Communicator

September 21, 23, 25
10:00-12:00 each day

Throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, countless conservation professionals, scientists, and litigators make valuable contributions to improve the health of the Bay and its rivers and streams. If you are one of these clean water champions, we have a great training for you to strengthen your storytelling skills and improve your ability to share the conservation impacts and successes of your work.

Register here!

Presented by the Choose Clean Water Coalition and Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, with support from the Chesapeake Bay Trust, Chesapeake Legal Alliance, and Virginia Conservation Network, this crash course will dive into effective storytelling, crafting presentations, and translating nuanced science and data into a compelling and understandable message.

This training is broken up in three days, with two hours each day. Day one, September 21, will focus on constructing one’s message and story; day two, September 23, on selling your message and inspiring your audience to take action; and day three, September 25, on improving delivery to keep an audience engaged. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend all three days as each session will build upon each other.

Register here!

Questions? Email Drew Robinson at


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November 27

Equity Workgroup Call